Man is Visual Animal
I exactly dont know what to write....I am in continuous pain of reticence and regret..... Apart of my personal life pain..I am tortured by strangers...I dont know why men want to get acquainted with every girl and women they see; crossing road or standing on bus stop or walking along footpath....I used to come to my workplace by bus and have to walk(around 5 minutes) .... thats terrible experience for me every day ...infact every morning :S :S :S :S... if you are a girl every passing by rikhshaw/cab driver stares at you, every car wala gives horn (offering you a ride to your destination) and strangest of all sometime want to ask you silly things like "you works there???" those who have seen you quite times. Its rubbish did ever I asked you "WHERE THE HELL YOU WORK??" Just couples of days back, an uncle bump into when I was crossing road and lead me while crossing road as I am 5 yrs old kid and cant find way in heavy traffic :s laters when I reached the bus stop he s...