Biometric for succession certificate / letter of administration

 So, as discussed before succession certificate or letter of administration are now given by NADRA instead of Court. If all the documents are submitted by your relative in Pakistan, you only need to verify by biometric. For Pakistanis living outside Pakistan, one has to go to a consulate or embassy in their respective country. 

In Saudi Arabia, embassy and NADRA teams also visit different cities. the schedule of which is announced on their website. In the eastern region, it visits at Tamimi compound, and the rest of the procedure is pretty simple. One has to just bring the application number (tracking ID) and tell the staff you need to get biometric verification done for succession purposes and ta-da. The whole process is just a few minutes but they'll keep you waiting because for some reason they are more interested in NIC and form B work and some other things. 

Tamimi Compound Khobar

Pakistan Embassy website


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